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Federal Credit Union Implements HubSpot to Sophisticate Marketing Communication

INTRODUCTION Credit Union migrates from Core iQ to HubSpot to improve marketing automation.

Instrumental Group was introduced to this undisclosed Federal Credit Union as they were considering a move from Core iQ to HubSpot. They were looking to modernize and improve their email communication with the end goal of improving wallet share from their valued customers. 

Throughout the discovery and assessment process it became clear that HubSpot would be a perfect solution to help them reach their goals. 

They needed a robust marketing automation software that could serve customers a series of personalized, contextual email journeys. This would require us to equip HubSpot with valuable product data that lived in their core and sophisticated database segmentation for proper enrollment and management of relationships. Instrumental Group would be tasked with leading FCU through a multi-phase HubSpot onboarding and implementation project. 

Goal: Leverage Core data in HubSpot for marketing automation
HubSpot License: CRM, Marketing Enterprise, Service Pro, Ops Pro
Timeline: 4 months

CHALLENGE How would new capabilities integrate into a complex ecosystem?

As assessment progressed, we learned more about their technology challenges and complexities. 

  • Core banking through Fiserv Spectrum
  • Eloquence linear database centralizing all data 
  • SQL database in play, further complicating data flow
  • Core iQ failing to serve as their CRM and marketing automation

The FCU marketing team faced challenges with their existing technology infrastructure and software stack. Gaps in capabilities and disparate data were causing a lot of manual workarounds and missed opportunities. Their team explained their top challenges as:

  • Limited abilities for email marketing, lack of personalization, and branching logic
  • Disconnected data and capabilities were creating time-consuming manual workarounds
  • Inability to track referrals and incentives
  • In-house servers and databases with existing FTP process they preferred over API integration
  • Lagging results with cross-sell/up-sell efforts

SOLUTION Core & CRM-powered Marketing Automation.

The implementation plan detailed a phased approach to rolling out priority teams and technology onboarding and integration. The implementation was to be executed over a 4-month timeline, with 5 critical steps for success:

  1. Discovery
  2. System Design
  3. HubSpot Architecture
  4. System Integration
  5. Team Rollout Training 

Step 1: Discovery

Complex projects require a structured discovery process. The ability to assess the current state as well as map out the desired end state is critical to ensure ideal functionality.

We set out through a series of research-focused time blocks and planning calls:

  • Prep & Access
  • Stakeholder Alignment
  • CRM & Marketing Audits
  • Core & Database Audits
  • Discovery Sequence
  • User Story Development

This discovery process developed the foundational understanding necessary to progress the organization forward into comprehensive system design. Audit findings and user stories were matched up with data flow requirements to inform congruity within the organization's software stack.

Step 2: System Design

This is where we set the plan for a robust implementation that meets all of the organization's requirements. We took the learnings from discovery and applied them to the Architecture Map. 

At Instrumental Group, we prefer to produce visual diagram that allows us to ensure all processes can be fulfilled while helping our clients understand the inner workings. The Architecture Map is built into swim lanes, organizing activities and triggers along the customer journey.

  • How prospects experience the sales process
  • Business development activity along the way
  • CRM activity, including attribution, qualification parameters, automation, workflows, and reporting criteria
  • All technology leveraged throughout the journey
  • Lifecycle progression throughout the journey for automation triggers

The image below is an example of an Architecture Map, simplified and representative only. [click to open enlarged version]

Step 3: HubSpot Architecture

Architecture is defined through the previous steps. At this point, the project came down to implementing HubSpot to specifications. We were introducing HubSpot's free CRM, Marketing, Service, and Ops Hubs. Each was to play a critical role in pulling off FCU's goals. Here's a high-level recap of inclusions:

  1. HubSpot global setup to serve requirements for CRM, Marketing Automation, and Customer Service
  2. Marketing operations, with specific journeys built for both new accounts and a host of customer anniversary milestones
  3. Service operations, from support intake through resolution with a status pipeline and automation to ensure timely service and satisfaction
  4. CRM development for relationship management and record customization to afford critical product and application data
  5. Custom objects for Core Deposits, Loans, Mortgage Triggers, Skip Emails, Surveys, and Time Deposits
  6. Custom code actions to associate loans to contacts based on Unique ID
  7. Event-based triggered enrollment into nurturing series based on birthdays, new customers, and cross-sell products
  8. Referral management, including a dynamic form for submissions and synchronization into the database via SFTP

Technical structure is difficult to visualize but the screenshots before are a glimpses into key infrastructure.

< Each image can be clicked to view full screen >

^ Data-fed branching logic workflows for anniversaries and welcome series! 🔥

^ Custom code actions to associate loans to contacts based on Unique ID! 🔥

Step 4: System Integration

The lynchpin to the entire project was the necessity to equip marketing with critical customer data that lived in their Core, Fiserv Spectrum. Direct integration via API was not the proper solution however, as their data was centralized outside of their core, in an Eloquence database.

The solution we landed on was an adapted process leveraging SFTP and Skyvia. The FCU technical team worked hand-in-hand with our technical team to establish a connection between the SFTP server and Skyvia. Configured for two-way operation to perform daily syncs:

  • Daily CVS extracts for Core data into Skyvia
  • Automated sync of Core data from Skyvia to HubSpot
  • Automated enrollment of customers into email campaigns based on Core data
  • Automated sync from HubSpot to Skyvia to Database for referral data and reporting metrics for compilations

^ Skyvia configuration and synchronization mapping! 🔥

^ CSV Extracts directly integrated into CRM Custom Objects! 🔥

Step 5: Team Rollout Training

We have adopted a best-of-breed method of Change Management training called ADKAR. A customized training curriculum was developed to build awareness, create desire, develop knowledge, foster ability, and reinforce change and adoption. For this project, we agreed to the following steps:

  • Step 1: Change Management Plan: We knew we needed to work together to execute an internal communication campaign. Goals included raising awareness, setting expectations, and generating a desire for change. Our training workbook detailed the steps, and communication began in the later stages of implementation.
  • Step 2 - System Tours: We started the rollout with a series of trainings with admins, tech team, and primary stakeholders from each team. As the keepers of the system, it was important for this group to understand every inch of HubSpot to ensure we were truly ready for the larger team rollout. 
  • Step 3 - Role-Based Training: Our next step was to host two follow-up training sessions with the sales team to answer questions and provide support. Each session included preparation assignments, including content to cover, resources, and desired impact. Aligning team training based on priorities and feedback is key to successful adoption, which is why we customize training sessions for impact.
  • Step 4 - Software Training: An onboarding requirement for HubSpot, we included a series of software orientation calls to ensure team members were aware of the complete capabilities of the different Hubs.
  • Step 5 - Documentation: We were also careful to document the entire system and standard operating procedures (SOP). We created a library of training resources for refreshers, future reference, and new employee onboarding. All documentation and training videos were labeled and filed inside their HubSpot file manager for fast reference.

NEXT STEPS Aligning teams & data to empower effectiveness.

System Optimization

With the implementation and rollout complete, we moved into the execution plan with an optimization period. Our goals were to continuing supporting the FCU marketing team while ensuring successful activation by addressing a number of important priorities:

  1. Journey-based email marketing campaigns for cross-sell/upsell
  2. Additional training and support for adoption and activation success
  3. Performance audits and maintenance to ensure successful operation and data validity
  4. Data hygiene to address duplicates, enrichment, associations, routing, and assignments remained clean
  5. Nice-to-have punch list items that came up during discovery but weren't included in the scope.

Modernization Initiative

FCU is going through a complete digital modernization. We're standing alongside their team as they make a glut of technology advancements on the horizon. 

They want HubSpot to become the centralized communication engine for the entire organization. 2024 includes four top priorities for agency to support and implement.

  1. Ongoing marketing support for an expanded target list
  2. Introduction of transactional emails and customer surveys
  3. Sales implementation and team rollout
  4. API integration with their soon-to-come call center software

FCU's future is bright with so many fantastic technical capabilities at their team's finger tips. We're proud to partner with a progressive organization that's willing to invest in their team member's success by equipping them with the latest and most powerful software solutions. 

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